Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Future
I have come to understand the credit crisis and its origin. The basics are that the entire country is insolvent. That our government is preparing for civil unrest and the world is slipping into a dark age. My house was not perfect, nor were my parents. My house was home, and I still look forward to its comforts every holiday. I have a horrible feeling. A feeling I may never go home again. I pray to God that I am wrong.
Phelps smokes pot! Big Deal.
The world is insolvent and pretty soon nobody will care, food will be a lot more important. Phelps is living it up, good for him. There will be no 2012 Olympics anyway. there's no money.
My two cents.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Student Loans...Really?
Student Loans. That one got me. Apparently they are not protected by anything. If you go into default they can garner your wages, social security benefits whatever WITHOUT a court order. The government is apparently complicit in this as they need the tax revenue. People who default could end up paying 3 or 4 times what they actually owed.
This is just further proof that college is a scam. Check out the book!
Derivatives and Bubblenomics
Warren Brussee's book "The Great Depression of Debt" is a must read. In it he outlines our path to the second great depression and how we used debt keep GDP positive. One of the points he makes in the book is how people borrowed against their home equity value and spent the money. The thinking was that they could just sell the house and pay off their debts one day. The stock and housing crashes have eliminated their ability to pay off those debts and we are not stuck in the Great Depression of Debt.
The banks treated derivatives in the same way but the problem is much much larger. We are talking in the realm of 700 trillion, or over 10 times the worlds GDP. The banks paid out huge bonuses, made risky investments and other things for many years because they were able to borrow against their derivatives holdings sometimes at a rate of 33 to 1 or more. We can thank our current treasury secretary for that ratio as he helped get rid of the 12:1 limit for investment banks and hedge funds. They blew the money on the market and are now left with the garbage. Except its more garbage and anyone on earth can deal with. We have thrown about 10 trillion at the problem, only 690 to go. After watching the news lately I am firmly back in the collapse camp. The unraveling of our economy is coming at a blistering pace, Starbucks announced 300 more store closing translating into 6k jobs.
I spoke with a friend who works in make-up at Dillards. She said some of the major brands haven’t sold anything in 3 days. Anything! They are not getting inventory. She expects her job to be gone by the end of the summer.
Obama’s stimulus is a complete failure. Its pretty much a democratic agenda wish list and includes very little for job creation and infrastructure, maybe 10% tops. I think we are on our way to collapse and I think the government is in that camp as well. HR 645…sounds like they want to be ready. Add in a pinch of peak oil and this starts to get a little scary. Time to get all boy scout on prepared. Food, Water, defense, planning. You will need it.
Obama is a Failure, already
NO. Out... we need the grown ups back in the room now.
330 million for STDs?
1 billion for nutrition programs
81 billion for medicaid. Yowza
50 million for national endowment for the arts
650 million for digital TV conversion
20 billion dollars for food stamps
7.5 billion for public housing
I would expect this out of China, but here? Less than 5% will go to fix bridges or roughly 30 billion. 5%, and how many NEW jobs will this create? probably none as it will go to save some construction jobs that would be lost due to the depression.
Obama is a massive failure already and we haven't even hit February. Just look at his Treasury pick. Timmy G should be in jail for not paying taxes for 6 years. You and I would be in jail. What message is he sending to the world? Don't worry...its OK to be a criminal and be in my administration. Our country needs serious leadership for serious problems and right now we are in a vacuum.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
This is not the 30's and not Japan.
In the 30's depression and in Japan both government's had excess trade surpluses to spend on stimulus and other programs. Both populations were savers, Japan at 11% and US at 8%. The US was just beginning its rise as a nation and as one of the worlds leading oil exporters. I know that sounds crazy but we did indeed lead the world in oil exports at one time. The US was an agriculture and manufacturing based economy. So when the government needed bread for the bread lines we had it. We are able to produce and sell oil and other goods to the world and that at least kept unemployment from going to 40% or higher and creating a collapse of the country.
We are not as fortunate this time around. Its pretty clear that everyone is broke. The states have no money and Goldman Sachs put 11 of them on bankruptcy watch and recommended insuring their bonds. California alone is 41 billion in the whole and there is simply no hope they will climb out of it. Asset prices will continue to plummet and people will lose their jobs. There was a great article on biggest fears of bankers (link below) and its unemployment. If unemployment rises above 10% then losses and defaults could go parabolic. Nobody knows and from the article nobody wants to try to predict what could happen. All we know is it won't be pretty.
Once everyone loses their job and house there will come a time when deflation will stop. The last 2 days have produced 75,000 lost jobs. If you think this is going to slow down buckle up. There will be nothing left to deflate and the need to house and feed some 25 million Americans or more out of work will still be there. How are we going to do that? The nation is broke. The only solution is to print money. A lot of money. If anyone is actually reading this then I am sure someone just went...we'll borrow the money! China will buy our debt! To that person leave now. You are far too retarded to be reading this. China is as broke as we are. We are going to see Hyperinflation or we are going to see outright collapse. This time we have nothing to sell the world, we became a net importer of food in 2007 and if the IEA is to be believed peak oil is here and we are not ready for it.
This time its different, this time its the end.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"The Conspiracy Theory"
This has been an interesting topic for me. My GF stumbled upon Alex Jones' "9-11 Martial Law" video on youtube. I was hooked. I watched several more of his video's plus found the Zeitgeists movies. What followed was a massive research campaign to find out if some or any of this stuff was true. Just how corrupt are we? The campiagn goes on today as I am fascinated and feel the need to stay in touch with what is happening.
It was a true crumbling of my world. I grew up an athlete who set state records and went on to a pretty decent career. I have a flag hanging in my room. My parents never won anything, but they won this. My flag flew over the capital for a day in my and my brothers name. What an honor. That flag and the certificate hang in whatever apartment or house I live and its been that way since I could comprehend the event.
To come to understand that my government is one of the most corrupt in the history of the world? If you do the research you will find the CIA is behind more death and destruction than even Hitler could comprehend. There are so many examples. Here is a list of just some of the countries we have screwed with.
Iran, Iraq, Afgahnistan, China, Venezula, Nicargua, Chile, Cuba...I could sit here and list every country on earth but you get the picture. I often wonder why more people don't watch these videos and stop voting for Republicans and Democrats? I had a converstation with someone who called me a conspiracy theorist. I find that offensive because I back up everything with facts. Court cases, AP press articles etc. The idealistic world that he lives in is backed up by his beliefs and his beliefs only.
Who are the real conspiracy theorists? The one's who think we live in a idealistic world. Why? There is no proof of that.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The news continues to roll in as more and more banks fail and new debts exposed...the question I have that I just can't seem to find the answer to is...who do all these banks owe money to? Who is the other side? The Counter party? Brace yourselfs this is going to be a week of really really crappy news.
I doubt we'll ever find out but one thing is for certain the system is running on fumes. I mean the whole thing. Ohio's unemployment fund has gone dry, California is 41 billion in the whole, IL has not paid medicare or medicaid bills in months. I recently read an article about the great fall apart of US infrastructure and its pretty easy to see. There so many potholes in the streets right now its impossible to miss them. The snow just keeps coming too. So essentially the whole world is broke but if you want a glimpse at how your hard earned (or not if you just got laid off) tax money is going check out Citi's brand new money saver.